Understanding and Supporting Triple Transitions of International Doctoral Students: ELT And SuReCom Models


  • Divya Jindal-Snape University of Dundee
  • Richard Ingram School of Education, Social Work and Community Education, University of Dundee




Triple transitions, international doctoral students, educational and life transitions model, supervision remit compatibility model


This paper presents two original conceptual models to explain the triple transitions ofinternational doctoral students and how these can be facilitated better through effective supervisory relationships. These models are based on primary data collected by authors and well known theories, namely the ABC model, Emotional Intelligence and Resilience. The data suggest that when international doctoral students moved to the UK,they had to deal with not only a new educational system and different level of studies; they also had to deal with the daily life issues of being in a new country. These educational and daily life issues were not mutually exclusive and had an impact on each other. However, if one was going exceptionally well,it could act as a buffer for any problems in the other area. Transparent supervisory relationships, where mutual expectations were clear, were seen tobe an effective way of enhancing the transition experience of international doctoral students. This study is the first to explore the triple transitions ofinternational students. The Educational and Life Transitions (ELT) andSupervision Remit Compatibility (SuReCom) models are significant in ensuring successful transition and well-being of international doctoral students.

Author Biographies

Divya Jindal-Snape, University of Dundee

Divya Jindal-Snape is Professor of Education, Inclusion and Life Transitions in the School of Education, Social Work and Community Education. Her research interests lie in the field of inclusion and educational transitions. A significant proportion of her work has been with children and young people with additional support needs, especially children and young people with visual impairment, autism, learning difficulties, emotional and behavioural needs. This has also involved developing social interaction through drama techniques and other forms of creative arts education.

Richard Ingram, School of Education, Social Work and Community Education, University of Dundee

Richard Ingram is a lecturer in Social Work. His current interests include the exploration of the role of emotions within social work practice. This is linked to a developing research interest in examining constructs of the social work profession and the role of supervision.


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