Do LEGO® Models Aid Reflection in Learning and Teaching Practice?


  • Chrissi Nerantzi University of Salford
  • Craig Scott Despard University of Salford



academic development, reflection, assessment, professional discussion, LEGO®, creativity and learning journeys, metaphors


In this paper we describe the use of LEGO® models within assessment of the Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (PGCAP) offered at the University of Salford. Within the context of the PGCAP, we model innovative and contextualised assessment strategies for and of learning. We challenge our students, who are teachers in higher education (HE), to think and rethink the assessment they are using with their own students. We help them develop a deeper understanding and experience of good assessment and feedback practice in a wider context while they are assessed as students on the PGCAP. We report on an evaluation of how the LEGO® model activity was used with a cohort of students in the context of the professional discussion assessment. We share the impact it had on reflection and the assessment experience and make recommendations for good practice.

Author Biographies

Chrissi Nerantzi, University of Salford

Academic Developer, PGCAP Programme Leader, SFHEA, FSEDA

Craig Scott Despard, University of Salford

Product Designer, Art & Media, University of Salford


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Case Studies