Flipping Over: Student-Centred Learning and Assessment


  • Barry James Ryan Dublin Institute of Technology




Engaging students is a difficult task faced by all academics. Student engagement can be achieved by giving ownership of their learning back to the students and by carefully aligning the assessment methodology to the students’ learning and future employability. To promote learning ownership in this case study, a group of final year students were involved in the design of the delivery (‘flipped classroom’) and assessment strategy (‘flipped assessment’) of the curriculum. Upon reflection, students noted a deep understanding of their self-selected topic by taking ownership of their learning and their ‘assessment for learning’ within the bounded learning environment. Additionally, students enhanced their soft skills and developed proficiencies appropriate for future employment and lifelong learning.

Author Biography

Barry James Ryan, Dublin Institute of Technology

Dr. Ryan is an applied biochemist and currently lectures on biotechnological, biochemical, chemical, quality, and other ancillary aspects of the food and (bio)pharmaceutical Sciences. His pedagogic research focuses on the integration of novel technology into the teaching and learning environment and the effect of assessment, feedback and blended learning on undergraduate learning.


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