Updating Qualifications for the Career Guidance Profession in Scotland: Navigating the Maze


  • Graham Allan University of the West of Scotland
  • Janet Moffett University of the West of Scotland
  • Peter J. Robertson Edinburgh Napier University




initial professional training, postgraduate qualifications, subject benchmarks, career guidance


This paper describes work in progress to modernise the initial training arrangements for the career guidance profession in Scotland. In a process initiated by the University of the West of Scotland, the Quality Assurance Agency benchmark for the subject is under review. The outcomes of the process may have implications for the training of career advisers and guidance practitioners across the UK.

Author Biographies

Graham Allan, University of the West of Scotland

Graham Allan is a lecturer in career guidance at the University of the West of Scotland. He trained in career guidance at the University of Strathclyde and has worked in various career service posts in the west of Scotland.

Janet Moffett, University of the West of Scotland

Janet Moffett is a lecturer in career guidance at the University of the West of Scotland. She trained in career guidance at the University of Strathclyde and has worked in various career service posts in both the west and east of Scotland.

Peter J. Robertson, Edinburgh Napier University

Peter Robertson is the programme leader for career guidance at Edinburgh Napier University. He trained in career guidance at Bristol Polytechnic and in occupational psychology at the University of East London. He has worked for career services in Hertfordshire, Brent and Harrow.


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doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03069880500472227.






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