A Reflection On The Impact Of An Internationalisation Experience Via Digital Platform, Based On Views, Opinions and Experiences Of Students And Lecturers





Internationalisation, Initial Teacher Education, teachers, language barriers, collaboration.


Until recently, internationalisation of higher education was considered important with a focus especially on the UK economy. However, the conversation has changed significantly with the challenges which Covid-19 pandemic restrictions and possibly Brexit have presented for  student mobility. There has been a shift, which started even before Covid-19 pandemic, that highlighted the impact of internationalisation on improving the quality of education, research and other social goals. The focus should be on developing a culture of knowledge exchange and active participation between partner Universities with potential development of dual purposing resource, assessments, and mutual enrichment. This study aims to investigate how remote cooperative teaching, based on mutual enrichment across international Initial Teacher Education (ITE) providers, support active participation of students in international activities.

Participants were year 3 undergraduate students studying at the University of Glasgow, School of Education, on the Master of Education (MEDuc) ITE programme and Italian student teachers on the course “Scienze della formazione” at the Niccolo’ Cusano University, Rome. 

Several sessions were organised and remotely delivered to both cohort of students with a careful blending of tutors’ expertise, focused on their cultural and language diversity; a carefully planned topic of high interest for both countries: Parental Engagement in pupil’s Education; and finally, a very well taught integration of the sessions’ content and task requirements into both Universities’ assessment agenda.  Results showed a mutual enrichment and active participation which went beyond any expectations with elements of e-networking and overcome of language, communication and even possible stereotype barriers.


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