Developing emotionally intelligent teaching approaches in online learning


  • Kevin Luke Merry De Montfort University



Emotional Intelligence, Online Learning, Engagement, Teaching


This ‘on the horizon’ paper discusses the evaluation outcomes of a pilot Emotional Intelligence Skills Training (EIST) workshop, intended as a resource to support teachers’ enhancement of student engagement in online learning settings. Sixteen HE teachers participated in a pilot of a new EIST workshop which explored topics including; 1) recognising and managing emotions in oneself; 2) recognising and managing emotions in others’, and 3) using emotion. Evaluation was conducted using focus groups. Feedback revealed that, in addition to raising awareness of the need to better recognise and manage students’ emotions in online environments, participants felt that EIST supported the development of more positive relationships with students and enhanced engagement. EIST could play an important role in supporting academic staff to better engage students in online settings.


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