Harnessing the Use of OERS in Teacher Education





curriculum, instruction, open education resources, pre-service teachers


Open educational resources (OERs) are used by teachers to help find resources to integrate into their classroom and find resources for teaching and learning (UNESCO, 2019). The purpose of this study was to investigate the OERs that pre-service teachers (PSTs) used within their field experiences during one semester in a clinical course. To address the purpose of this study, the researchers collected survey data and lesson plans before and after conducting two OER lesson plan trainings. Findings suggest PSTs may benefit from learning about OER resources, how to use them when planning lessons, and how to cite them properly in lessons within all subject areas. 

Author Biographies

  • Catie E. Carlson, Tiffin University

    Catie Carlson holds a M.L.I.S. from Kent State University and a Master of Education from Tiffin University. She currently works in an academic library with library instruction responsibilities, including faculty development in OERs, and occasionally adjunct teaches.

  • Michelle L. Meadows, Tiffin Univeristy

    Michelle Meadows received her Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from Kent State University. She currently serves as the Chair for the Masters of Education Online Program at Tiffin University and oversees the Undergraduate Education advising.


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