Exploring and Describing Marketable Skills in Teacher Education


  • Jay S Raadt University of North Texas
  • Pamela E Harrell, 6929054
  • Bertina H Combes


marketable skills; teacher education; competencies; knowledge, skills, and abilities


Students and lawmakers are concerned: do marketable skills learned in teacher-preparation programs transfer to the teacher’s classroom? In order to diagnose the problem of marketable skills transfer, this study used an existing critical framework to analyze transcripts and field notes from interviews with three leaders in teacher preparation programs. Emergent theme supported prior research. For example, these leaders valued competency in researching and presenting, which are marketable skills in the current school climate. However, their emphasis on higher order thinking skills like critical thinking and metacognition may be a sign that these leaders are disinterested in basic skills like communication and teamwork, which are skills that prior research shows are necessary for the development of higher order thinking. A theme about teaching using pedagogical methods also emerged. We call this theme pedagogical literacy and assert that it is unique to teacher preparation programs. Future research should explore the demand for critical thinking as well as the presence of pedagogical literacy outside of departments that prepare educators.


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