Professional Development for New Classroom Spaces: Extending the Concerns-Based Adoption Model


  • Karen Joy Haines Unitec Institute of Technology



New Collaborative Learning Spaces, Teacher Development, Professional Development


This article outlines how a tertiary institution designed professional development, during the first year of a long-term building initiative, to support teachers moving into new collaborative learning spaces. The Concerns-Based Adoption Model (CBAM) is used to reflect on professional development strategies employed to support teachers into using new classroom spaces. The stages of the CBAM were useful in considering the value of resources created for teacher development. The paper concludes with a discussion as to how effective the model proved to be in relation to teachers’ expressed concerns, and suggests expanding the CBAM parameters to reflect the complexity of professional development design for next-generation learning spaces.

Author Biography

Karen Joy Haines, Unitec Institute of Technology

Te Puna Ako

Academic Advisor



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Reflective Analysis Papers