University After VET: The Challenges Faced by the Enrolled Nurse


  • Patricia Anne Logan Charles Sturt University
  • Jennifer L Cox Charles Sturt University
  • Judith Anderson Charles Sturt University
  • David van Reyk University of Technology Sydney
  • Elspeth Hillman James Cook University
  • Amy N Johnston Griffith University and Gold Coast University Hospital



nursing, bioscience, transition, prior learning, online package


In Australia, many Enrolled Nurses (EN) complete vocational education training (VET), undertake clinical work, and then progress into a tertiary, Registered Nurse (RN), program. Transition into university for ENs is typically into the second year of degree programs, with credit awarded for first year courses including basic bioscience subjects, predicated on recognition of prior learning. However, in educational literature ENs report that their prior study left them feeling unprepared for university and that VET, even coupled with work experience, may not adequately reinforce foundational science knowledge sufficient to support direct entry to second year biosciences. Moreover, bioscience subjects are internationally acknowledged as central to nursing students’ ‘science anxiety,’ and are ‘gate-keeper’ subjects in pre-registration programs, providing critical underpinning of theoretical knowledge for many other subjects. Indeed, a recent (2015) Australian government report on pathways into higher education highlighted concerns around modes of transition into university, citing significantly lower success rates for students from a low socio-economic status (LSES) background who frequently enter the tertiary sector via vocational pathways. This paper will explore, using a case study approach, the issues of transition from vocational training to the university programs across multiple Bachelor of Nursing (BN) programs (tertiary institutions) in both rural and metropolitan contexts from several Australian states. It will highlight challenges reported by these EN students that limit their capacity to engage in traditional tertiary programs including concomitant shift work requirements. ENs are typically female, mature age students with carer responsibilities, who study in isolation, online and via distance learning, further compounding issues of tertiary transition. The paper will describe a multi-institutional project designed by a multidisciplinary academic team, to enhance transition skills and build academic resilience for these ENs, to assist with their engagement and success in their BN studies.

Author Biographies

Patricia Anne Logan, Charles Sturt University

Patricia Logan has been teaching human bioscience including pathophysiology and pharmacology for more than 15 years. Her main research area is related to tertiary science education for health practice. She developed and evaluated a pilot transition project ‘Preparation for Pathophysiology and Pharmacology’ for Enrolled Nurse students at Charles Sturt University.

Jennifer L Cox, Charles Sturt University

Jennifer Cox is a lecturer in human bioscience, pathophysiology and microbiology for undergraduate health courses. Her work as academic lead in the Student Transition and Retention project culminated in the development and implementation of the SciFYE (Science First Year Experience) retention and mentoring program.

Judith Anderson, Charles Sturt University

Judith Anderson has been involved in nursing education since 2002. Judith was involved in a ‘Step Up’ program for students’ transition from assistant in nursing, to Enrolled Nurse and then Bachelor of Nursing whilst being supported in their rural communities. She teaches in the Bachelor of Nursing program at Charles Sturt University.

David van Reyk, University of Technology Sydney

David van Reyk has been teaching anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology to pre-registration nursing students for more than 10 years. This has included for the last five years leading a bridging course in anatomy and physiology for Enrolled Nurses and Graduate Entry students’ transition to second year of a pre-registration program.

Elspeth Hillman, James Cook University

Elspeth Hillman is a Lecturer in Nursing, Midwifery and Nutrition, at James Cook University, Townsville.  She has been teaching pre-registration nursing students for more than 10 years, with a particular interest in preparation for practice. Elspeth has contributed to publications on what science should be taught for nursing practice.

Amy N Johnston, Griffith University and Gold Coast University Hospital

Amy Johnston taught anatomy and physiology in the UK and Australia for more than 25 years. Her research in the behavioural and neurochemical basis of learning and memory, coupled with clinical and adult education qualifications, supports her expertise in nursing curriculum, course and resource design. Currently she holds a conjoint research fellowship between Griffith University and Gold Coast University Hospital in Emergency care.


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Case Studies