Personal Learning Networks as a Support for Transitioning MSc Students


  • Shona Robertson University of Dundee



Persona Learning Network, Transitions, Newly Qualified Social Worker, Student Social Worker


This paper reflects on the lessons learned from an attempt to evaluate an online non-assessed module which was run for the first time in 2016 as part of a larger MSc Social Work module taken by 26 final year students. It uses a Real World Research Approach to consider the lessons which can be learned from research enquiry which yields an unexpected or disappointing response.

The paper discusses these lessons learned from initial results in the context of literature on Personal Learning Networks (PLNs) (sometimes referred to as personal learning environments). It uses this literature to explore the context within which students might use PLNs as they transition into becoming newly qualified social workers. It concludes by suggesting that further enquiry into the role of PLNs is required with a further study planned for the next academic year.

Author Biography

  • Shona Robertson, University of Dundee
    Shona Robertson is a lecturer in the School of Education and Social Work at the University of Dundee and is in the early stages of her research career. She teaches on both campus based and online courses and is interested in exploring the use of online resources to support learners at all stages in their education and post-education careers.


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