External Examination Invigilators’ (EEIs) Beliefs and Inference About Activities They Consider Important: Implication for Examination Policy


  • Mark A Minott University of East London




External Examination Invigilator, Exam Invigilation, Belief, Role, Proctor, Secondary Schools


The aim of this small-scale grounded approach qualitative study was to examine the beliefs of selected external examination invigilators (EEIs) and infer the kinds of activities they consider important. The importance of this study rested in the fact that there is a paucity of research which examines the role of EEIs at secondary, further and higher education levels. Therefore, it aids in filling a literary gap and gives them a ‘voice’ in the research literature. Study participants were five EEIs, working in a London secondary school. Purposeful convenience or opportunity sampling was used in their selection. Informal interviews and participant observation were the research methods used. The findings revealed the fact that beliefs of the EEIs guide how they rated their role and that maintaining examination intangibles and procedures is of high importance. Implication of the findings are discussed.

Author Biography

Mark A Minott, University of East London

Dr. Mark A. Minott has research interests in the areas of teacher education, music education, reflective teaching and the arts in education. His work can be found in journals such as: Reflective Practice: International and Multidisciplinary Perspectives (UK); Journal of Music, Technology and Education (UK); Professional Development in Education (UK); Canadian Journal of Education; International Journal of Music Education (USA); Teacher Education and Practice (USA); Australian Journal of Teacher Education; Journal of the University College of the Cayman Islands; Journal of Research on Christian Education (USA) and Teacher Education Advancement Network Journal (UK). Mark is also the author of several books: A Reflective Approach to Teaching Practicum Debriefing; Reflective teaching and...; Reflective Teaching: Properties, Tool, Benefits and Support; Reflection and Reflective Teaching: A Case study of four seasoned teachers in the Cayman Islands; and Cayman Islands Church School: To what extent Do Churches in the Cayman Islands influence Their Associated Schools?


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