Modernising a Classic: Updating Leeds Beckett University’s Taxonomy of Assessment Domains to Support Institutional Curricular Change


  • Susan Smith Leeds Beckett University
  • Rebecca Sellers Leeds Beckett University



Taxonomy of Assessment Domains, Graduate Attributes, learning outcomes


Leeds Beckett University is embarking on a new cycle of Periodic Review after our wholesale curriculum review in 2012. Reviewing our current academic activity in relation to our curricular practice showed that work still needed to be done in several key areas. For example, improving the writing of levelled intended learning outcomes (ILOs), integrating our graduate attributes (GAs) – Enterprise, Having a Global Outlook and Digital Literacy – more fully into course and module outcomes and ensuring staff understand the nature and scope of the different assessment domains which enhance opportunities for full student learning from our programmes. To address these issues, a short life working group (SLWG) focused on modernising our existing taxonomy of assessment domains (Link 1) which had been well-used by our staff for at least 20 years.

This paper focuses on i) consideration of the benefits of the existing taxonomy ii) the broader context and reasons for modifying our existing taxonomy of assessment domains, iii) the approach, process and activity of the SLWG, iv) planned future work streams to build on our work in progress.

Author Biographies

  • Susan Smith, Leeds Beckett University
    Dr Susan Smith is Head of Curriculum Development and Review in the Centre for Learning and Teaching at Leeds Beckett University. She has specific research interests in curriculum design and interprofessional education and has published her research widely.
  • Rebecca Sellers, Leeds Beckett University
    Rebecca Sellers is a Learning Technologist in the Centre for Learning and Teaching at Leeds Beckett University.


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Link 1: Original taxonomy

Link 2: Revised taxonomy

Link 3: Domains linked to graduate attributes

Link 4: Interactive tool






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