Embedding Evidence-based Course Design Principles in Curriculum Design in a UK and Egyptian University


  • Angela Green Leeds Beckett University
  • Susan Smith Leeds Beckett University
  • Ian Richards Leeds Beckett University
  • Ibrahim Hussein Assuit university




Curriculum, Cross Cultural, Course Design, International Collaboration


Curriculum design has received considerable critical attention in the Global North and much research has been published around the key principles of good curriculum design (Meyer & Land, 2003; Gibbs, 2010; Baume, 2009). However, much of the research has focused on the application of those principles to British higher education. To date, there has been little discussion around the appropriateness and relevance of applying the principles to countries in the Middle East and North Africa and in particular, the Egyptian higher education system. This paper reviews research about curriculum design and how this informed the development of the course design principles at Leeds Beckett University (LBU). It explores, as a case study, how these principles have been embedded within the Sport Marketing undergraduate (UG) degree course at LBU and then specifically focuses on the challenges of using five principles as a framework for curricular change at Assiut University in Egypt to enhance their specialist provision.

LBU was invited to assist the Faculty of Physical Education at Assiut University to develop the first Sport Marketing degree programme as part of the International Inspirations sport legacy programme from London 2012, delivered by the British Council (British Council, 2014). The case study of this project reflects on the challenges of developing a curriculum within the confines of existing institutional regulations and national frameworks as well as the challenges of a cross-cultural shared understanding and cooperation. It will be of relevance to academics who are designing new programmes or who are considering how existing programmes can be adapted to meet the needs of other international institutions.

Author Biographies

Angela Green, Leeds Beckett University

Angela Green is a Senior Lecturer in Sport Marketing at Leeds Beckett University in the UK.  It is there that she championed the idea and wrote the UK’s first Sport Marketing and Public Relations undergraduate degree programme. Currently her research interests focus on the internet and new digital marketing, relationship marketing and sport branding.

Susan Smith, Leeds Beckett University

Dr Susan Smith is Head of Curriculum Development and Review at Leeds Beckett University. She works in the Centre for Learning and Teaching. Her research and academic interests focus on institutional curricular change, interprofessional education and the support of writing groups. She has published widely in books and journals.

Ian Richards, Leeds Beckett University

Dr Ian Richards is a Senior Lecturer in Sports Management in the Carnegie School of Sport, Leeds Beckett University. His research interests include the economic impacts of sports stadia and professional sports clubs and the evaluation of sports for development initiatives. He has undertaken development work in Ethiopia and Trinidad.

Ibrahim Hussein, Assuit university

Dr Ibrahim Hussain is the Deputy Dean in the Faculty of Physical Education, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt. His teaching and research interests are in sport recreation management and professional football coaching and management.


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Case Studies