Preparing for Problem-Based Learning (PBL): Evaluating expectations and readiness for programme change
Problem-based Learning, PBL, Evaluation, Expectations, ReadinessAbstract
Background: Problem-based learning (PBL) is a student-centred pedagogy that utilises complex instructional scenarios to aid students in transitioning from theory to practice. PBL may offer a pertinent and effective strategy for developing fundamental competencies, skills, and attitudes in physiotherapists. PBL as a pedagogical practice is controversial, though, with arguments for and against the approach. As such, the University of Nottingham has reaccredited the BSc Physiotherapy program, which uses PBL as a pedagogy. This study analyses staff and student readiness before implementation.
Aim: This study, conducted by the School of Health Science (SoHS), seeks to evaluate the preparedness and anticipations of students, staff, and clinicians regarding programme change. The findings will provide a set of initial measures for implementing the programme.
Methods: The evaluation follows a mixed-methods, sequential design. The collection of quantitative data was achieved by a newly developed and validated questionnaire with first-into-second-year students. The qualitative data were obtained from focus groups and interviews. The collection of qualitative data investigates the perspectives and expectations of several stakeholders, including first-into-second-year students, staff, clinician and a patient, regarding the implementation of PBL and the new curriculum.
Results: The internal consistency of our questionnaire was assessed using Cronbach's alpha, which yielded a value of 0.83 for a total of 19 items. Additionally, the KR-20 coefficient was calculated to be 0.86 for a subset of two items. The content validity was assessed by calculating the item level content validity index (I-CVI) scores provided by three experts and ten students, and the ICVI was 0.88. Thirty first-into-second-year students completed the questionnaire. Nine first-into-second-year students participated in focus group interviews. Seven staff, a clinician, and a patient participated in individual interviews. Results from the questionnaire are presented in a narrative report. Five domains summarise the stakeholder perspectives about programme change, including: Quality of communication, Consistency of teaching, Approach to learning, Attitude to change, and Support structures.
Conclusion: Analysis of the data collected indicates the need for proficient preparation. This evaluation demonstrates the importance of evaluating stakeholder perspectives prior to the implementation of an educational approach.
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