Aligning the approach to staff and student experiences within higher education: A need for compassion and community
Compassion, community, anxiety, burnout, Higher EducationAbstract
The aim of this paper considers the current landscape in Higher Education (HE), specifically around the area of increased stress and anxiety. It addresses the role that community and compassion can play in alleviating these symptoms. In doing so, it will propose responses to the high levels of emotional burnout seen in HE recently. It argues that nurturing a sense of belonging lies at the heart of these factors and that for many institutions this will require a cultural shift which refocuses its attention on staff mental health as well as student mental health, and on staff experience as well as student experience. Approaches to staff and student experiences are a recurrent feature of the article and have previously been separated within policy and practice leading to a chasm within the HE community. Ultimately, a conclusion is drawn, that the development of a holistic approach will help to mend this rift and create a more compassionate community. Furthermore, the element self-compassion and sense of work-life balance must be supported institutionally with decisions being made through a compassionate lens.
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