Emergency remote teaching as an influencer: A post-ERT reflection framework





Higher Education, educational technology, Blended Learning, COVID-19, emergency remote teaching


After a rapid shift in instructional delivery during times of conflict, natural disasters, health crises, and other unprecedented circumstances, educators are often challenged to expeditiously shift from emergency remote teaching (ERT) back to in-person instruction when the instructional disruption abates. However, there is a dearth of support for practitioners about how to maximize ERT practices for post-ERT instruction. This paper proposes a Post-ERT Reflection Framework to guide practitioners in enriching their in-person courses based on ERT practices. The 4-step framework guides practitioners in examining their ERT practices to determine how they may be eliminated, adopted, or adapted for in-person instruction as part of the return-to-the-classroom process. The proposed framework embraces blended learning (BL) for enhancing post-ERT instruction and supports the development of instructional preparedness competencies. By emphasizing core teaching principles and individual experiences, this framework invites practitioners to reimagine their ERT practices while foregrounding the principles of accessibility, engagement, authenticity, and other influential principles through BL. Here, the authors describe their development of the Post-ERT Reflection Framework, the framework steps, and its implementation when reimagining an English for legal purposes course in a post-ERT context. The framework offers a practical and sustainable process for reimagining in-person instruction after ERT.

Author Biographies

Carrie Cargile, Vanderbilt University

Carrie Cargile is a Senior Language Teaching Specialist at the Vanderbilt University English Language Center. Her professional interests are teacher training, program and curriculum development, and English for Specific Purposes. She’s been able to work within these interest areas throughout the U.S., in South Africa, and on the Thai-Burma border.

Stephanie Gollobin, Vanderbilt University

Stephanie Gollobin is a Senior Language Teaching Specialist at the Vanderbilt University English Language Center. A former Fulbright ETA, she has extensive experience teaching in the United States and Germany. Her research interests include critical pedagogy, identity formation, genre analysis, genre-based writing instruction, and English for Specific Purposes.


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Reflective Analysis Papers