Embedding employability in the Social Sciences curriculum: reflections from an applied university





employability, reflection, practitioner engagement, simulation, placements


This paper reports on a process of collaborative reflection undertaken by the authors in their capacity as academic staff delivering employability-focussed modules to undergraduate criminology students on large courses in a post-92 higher education institution (HEI) in the United Kingdom (UK). First, the broad context of higher education policy and the criminal justice sector is explored. The setting of the reflection is outlined, including the format of the modules which form the basis of the reflection and the underpinning methodological approach taken by the authors. Three key thematic areas emerged from the reflexive process: engagement and relationship development with the external sector, student readiness, and the role of academic staff. Each and these will be analysed in the context of extant literature. Finally, the authors make recommendations for stakeholders and a model for embedding employability activity will be provided, aimed at an interdisciplinary audience.


Author Biography

Teri-Lisa, Sheffield Hallam University

Senior Lecturer, Department of Law and Criminology


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Reflective Analysis Papers