A Reflective Analysis on Neurodiversity and Student Wellbeing

Conceptualising Practical Strategies for Inclusive Practice





Neurodiversity, Higher Education, Universal Design for Learning, Inclusive Practice, Wellbeing


With the number of neurodivergent students entering Higher Education increasing, it is essential that we understand how to provide an inclusive educational experience which facilitates positive wellbeing. In this reflective analysis we draw upon our position as neurodivergent academics alongside relevant theory and literature to foster understanding and provide practical strategies for those supporting neurodivergent students. We emphasise the importance of questioning normative assumptions around expected student learning behaviours, and the negative impact that these assumptions can have upon neurodivergent students. We then provide several practical strategies that can be used to develop more inclusive practice, drawing upon principles embedded within a Universal Design for Learning approach.


Author Biographies

  • Elliott Spaeth, Dr, University of Glasgow

    Elliott Spaeth is a Lecturer and Senior Adviser in Academic and Digital Development, and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. He uses his experience in the fields of clinical psychology and pedagogy to explore how we can make Higher Education more inclusive. He is disabled, neurodivergent, and trans.

  • Amy Pearson, Dr, University of Sunderland

    Amy Pearson is a Senior Lecturer in Psychology with an interest in neurodivergent wellbeing, including masking, stigma, and interpersonal relationships. She is also a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy with a passion for inclusive education and creative academic practice.


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Reflective Analysis Papers