Engaging taught postgraduate students with science communication





student engagement, writing skills, science communication


This case study presents "Kelvin News": a project to encourage and support taught postgraduate (PGT) students in the School of Physics & Astronomy at the University of Glasgow in communicating their passion for Physics and Astronomy during their studies. The context, rationale, and practical implementation of the project are described. We also discuss the successes and challenges in developing the project. We identify the conflicting demands on time experienced by PGT students as being the key factor negatively affecting the project. Other limiting factors such as weak writing skills among participating students can be addressed by peer-support within the project team. Despite these difficulties, this project provides great opportunities for the students to develop further transferable skills which have the potential to benefit them in terms of academic progression, employability, social well-being, and relationship with their subject and the department. This project is well suited for use within other disciplines and other departments or universities.


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