JPAAP Vol 6, Issue 2 (2018) – Just Published


Welcome to our second issue of 2018 of the Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice (JPAAP), Vol 6, No. 2, in our fifth year of production. We hope you enjoy reading our latest issue and thank all the authors who submitted their articles, our reviewers for their time and experience, and our editors for guiding the articles to submission.

Without the work of our reviewers we wouldn't be here in our fifth year of journal life and we thank all of them for their support, guidance and time over the years. To find out more about reviewing for us, whether you are new or experienced, get in touch with us at

Thanks to our all contributors and we hope you enjoy reading this issue.

JPAAP Vol. 6, No. 2 (2018)


JPAAP Editors