Modernising a Classic: Updating Leeds Beckett University’s Taxonomy of Assessment Domains to Support Institutional Curricular Change

Susan Smith and Rebecca Sellers, Leeds Beckett University, UK


i) Taxonomies: their usefulness and different models

Classification is the taxonomic science in which a system of categories or attributes is established in a logical structure (Travers, 1980). Taxonomies have long been used to define such diverse entities as plants, animals, algorithmic processes and educational objectives. In science education, both conceptual change (Dykstra, 1992) and critical thinking skills (Gilbert, 1992) can be classified. Within general education, taxonomies have mainly focused on evaluation and objectives (Bloom, Englehart, Furst, Hill, & Krathwohl, 1956) and are intended to help teachers, research workers and administrators to discuss and deal with curricular, assessment and evaluation issues (Veal & MaKinster, 1999).

The former university taxonomy of assessment domains (Link 1) was based on Bloom’s original Taxonomy (1956) which identified six developing levels within the cognitive domain from simple recall to the highest order (classified as evaluation). It was designed to be a classification of student behaviours which represent the intended learning outcomes of the educational process, i.e. outcomes-based assessment (Heywood, 2000).

There is context and history for changes to Bloom’s original classic work. This original Taxonomy was revised in 2001 (Anderson et al, 2001) where the domain names became transformed into active verbs (i.e. “knowledge” became “remembering”). Earlier, the SOLO framework (Biggs & Collis, 1982) moved to a classification expressed in terms of complexity and the quality of the work done rather than just assessing students in terms of the bits they got right or wrong, i.e. it is a journey towards competence. Different designs and representations of the original Taxonomy have also been devised and adapted by different institutions (Heer, 2012) and current needs and contexts have been taken into account in the development of new versions such as the digital taxonomy (Churches, 2008) where the higher order skills in the original Taxonomy are related and levelled to different digital skills.

A Review of the University taxonomy was agreed by the University Learning and Teaching Enhancement Committee

ii) Revising the taxonomy: the approach

Initial work: Discussion groups with academic staff in all the faculties, led by the Centre for Learning and Teaching, revealed that the original Taxonomy was useful but that its language needed reviewing for clarity and currency, was difficult to access on the University’s website, was unfamiliar to new staff and needed modernising to support the ongoing Periodic Review and the advent of the University’s new graduate attributes. In addition, the postgraduate (PG) and undergraduate (UG) taxonomies were separate documents and there was a clear mismatch between the UG and PG domains leading to inconsistent practice and confusion. Ethical approval was sought, but not required, as the practice aligned to routine enhancement of teaching and learning activity and involved no primary research.

Some students reported, via the qualitative National Student Survey data and module review, that they needed more clarity about assessment criteria and ‘levelness’ expectations. Staff also requested, as part of their course design work, the need for a useful tool to support the development of robust, level-consistent intended module and course learning outcomes and constructively aligned assessment expectations. In addition, Leeds Beckett University had three new GAs which needed to be integrated into the intended learning outcomes in the undergraduate courses.

Establishing the SLWG: The SLWG was established through an invitation to all faculty academic staff (new and experienced) interested in teaching and learning. The SLWG spent some time discussing the wider context and uses of taxonomy development in general. Informed by Moseley et al (2005) work on thinking skills frameworks, the SLWG focused on exploring a) theoretical understanding of why taxonomies of assessment domains might be needed, b) the value and purpose of a taxonomy, c) how the application of the taxonomy as a framework for thinking to practice might help build knowledge and resource, d) how the SLWG could best approach the work and then promote the new tools for staff to appreciate the updated taxonomy.

The SLWG concluded, after considerable discussion, that they would not i) change the taxonomy fundamentally, ii) adopt a brand new one or iii) make changes that might necessitate immediate regulatory changes. Because staff were familiar with the existing model, a decision was made to just modify the structure and wording of the existing taxonomy (if there was a clear reason to do so) and develop new interactive supportive tools.

Benefits of using Taxonomy of Assessment Domains

The SLWG concluded that an amended taxonomy could:

In addition, as part of its development, staff wanted it mapped to the graduate attributes (GAs), so it was not perceived as ‘standing alone’.

The approach and ground rules for the SLWG

i) The first meeting (December 2014)

The scope and terms of reference of the SLWG were outlined. In addition, the SLWG

There was considerable discussion about our approach to modifying the taxonomy with a recognition that the language needed to suit all subject disciplines and be understandable by academic staff, students and administrators. Group members worked in inter-faculty pairs – liaising with students and staff locally before they brought information on wording back to the main group. The SLWG representatives were asked to seek views from faculty colleagues specifically about the nomenclature of domains, whether domains needed updating or were current, useable, relevant and meaningful as they were. All comments were inputted to a shared Google document to enhance transparency.

Staff and students stated that the current grid shape of the taxonomy (with closed boxes) didn’t necessarily optimise the progressive approach of a continuum of learning complexity between levels.

The inclusion of the Pedagogy/Andragogy/Heutagogy continuum as an educational method which facilitates eventual independence and self-direction was preferred as this is linked to a model which supports optimal lifelong learning (Merriam, 2001; Blaschke, 2012).

It was decided that the domains would need to be finalised before i) the supporting text was revised, ii) supporting activities were added as exemplars, iii) additional text relating to the graduate attributes was added, iv) a possible redesign of the taxonomy to make it more user friendly and interactive took place, v) supporting staff guidance on how to use the taxonomy was generated.

ii) The second meeting (February 2015)

The second meeting collated views from the SLWG colleagues and amendments were made to the domain in the light of the discussion. The agreed principle of the group was that no amendments to the taxonomy would be made unless there was i) strong evidence and a clear evidence-informed reason for doing so, ii) that the majority of the group membership agreed to the change, iii) that the justification for doing so was reasoned and enhanced the clarity and currency of the domain definition to suit the culture of all faculty disciplines.

Our Quality Assurance Department was consulted for advice about quality mapping and regulatory implications as part of the work of the SLWG during January 2015.

The rationale for the changes made to the taxonomy

The following changes were proposed by the SLWG and ultimately applied to the updated taxonomy

Figure 1: Changes made to the Undergraduate taxonomy of assessment domains

Figure 2: Changes made to the Postgraduate taxonomy of assessment domains

The revised taxonomy (Link 2) was then mapped clearly against the criteria outlined by Bloom et al. (1956) and Anderson et al. (2001) and compared to other assessment domain taxonomies used in other universities.


The outputs from the group were pdf formats of the updated taxonomies for the UG and PG taught courses (Link 2) all searchable and available online, a GA matrix (Link 3) with creative, suggested activities for each domain and an interactive tool (Link 4) which links levelness, domain and suggestions for GA-related activity. These are now located on a new easy-to-find webpage. It has been widely promoted and development sessions have helped support staff as they refresh their courses for Periodic Review.

Challenges for the SLWG

The SLWG had a responsibility to agree terminology which suited all disciplines, was free from jargon and easily understandable – this took time and persistence. In addition, managing the feedback process, and evaluating the iterations for the taxonomy in a collegiate and collaborative way was challenging for the SLWG. Students also reviewed the wording to check it was clear. Interestingly staff and student comments were similar focusing on the need to i) simplify the language for better comprehension for all, ii) make the domains consistent for UG and PG, iii) remove “reflexion” as a domain and, because of the importance of reflective practice, generate “reflection” as a domain in its own right.

A grid presentation was finally chosen despite acknowledgement from the group that there can be a blurring of learning between levels and a more complex picture of developing higher order thinking through the levels than a taxonomy as a classification and guide can reflect and do justice to. Gaps in the grid were retained in the presentation between levels 7 and the research degree element of the updated taxonomy. Whilst recognising there was a continuum of learning between the levels, the box grid matrix presentation was chosen to enhance staff and student clarity and support a focused understanding of the different domains specific to each level. The practical and informative interactive resource (Link 4) and effective promotion of the resources to students enhanced the dynamic and useful nature of the resource.

Future activity

The updated taxonomy and its associated tools have precipitated the organisation of a series of tailored course workshops to support staff writing learning outcomes and fully explore ideas of constructive alignment (Biggs & Collis, 1982) using the taxonomy to ensure consistency in their course design and review work. This has helped heighten the focus on enhancing an approach to outcomes-based learning.

Further future work streams will be i) the populating of our GA matrix linked to the domains – this will offer staff ideas for levelled wording they can use in module learning outcomes when they are embedding the GAs, ii) workshops to help staff support their students more effectively in understanding the domains and how assessment expectations can be linked to them.

The follow-up interactive tool and grid (Links 2 & 4), led in collaboration with the SLWG by our learning technologist, will be used to clarify student expectations of assessment in induction programmes and has, in anticipation, been uploaded to the student-facing website as a learning tool.